Jan 23, 2025

Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Psychosis Research

Postdoc Abnormal Clinical Epidemiology Postdoctoral Psychometrics Psychopathology Quantitative Research Statistics Psychology

Job Description

Stony Brook University seeks a full-time postdoctoral fellow to conduct research with Drs. Roman Kotov (Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology) and Katherine Jonas (Department of Psychiatry). The post-doctoral fellow will have access to outstanding research resources and mentorship. Duration and start time are negotiable.


We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to collaborate on Suffolk County Mental Health Project (SCMHP). SCMHP is the longest-running longitudinal study of individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other psychoses, and has produced over 100 publications to date. The study began in 1989 by recruiting a county-wide, first-admission cohort (N=628). At follow-up year 20, we added healthy controls and unaffected siblings. We are now launching 35-year follow-up. Extensive longitudinal data are already available on psychiatric symptoms, neuropsychological tests, neural functioning (ERP), genomics, physical health, and real-world functioning. Stony Brook University is a highly collaborative environment with close relationships between the psychology, psychiatry, and applied math departments.


Drs. Kotov and Jonas will provide both formal and informal guidance toward a career in academia or industry. Former postdocs in their group have gone on to tenure-track faculty positions. Supervision meeting licensure requirements is available. The fellow will have many opportunities publishing high-impact research as first author. The fellow can emphasize training in statistical methods, grantsmanship, and substantive questions related to psychotic disorders. Additional training in molecular genetics is available for interested candidates. Responsibilities are manuscript preparation, grant writing, and supervision of data collection (~33% each). Salary is competitive with fellowships in the New York City region. 


Qualifications include a 1) doctoral degree, 2) expertise in advanced statistics and in psychopathology, as well as 3) a minimum of two first-authored publication. Familiarity with longitudinal research and experience coordinating externally-funded studies are desirable.


To apply, please email Roman Kotov ([email protected]) and Katherine Jonas ([email protected]) with your CV and contact information of three references. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


Stony Brook University



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