Aug 01, 2024
Carleton College invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor of Cognitive Science (tenure track) beginning September 1, 2025. Review of applications will begin October 1, 2024, and continue until the position is filled. Members of groups traditionally underrepresented in cognitive science are strongly encouraged to apply.
Teaching Load and Responsibilities
Teach the equivalent of five courses per year, over three trimesters (four courses the first year) including two sections of our introduction to cognitive science course, a mid-level course in some aspect of cognitive science and an advanced seminar in the candidate’s area of interest. Candidates may also elect to teach in the college’s first-year seminar program , or to develop interdisciplinary courses .
Work with students on their senior projects (comps)
Involve students in your research (if and as appropriate)
Serve as an academic advisor and on college committees (after...
Carleton College
Northfield, MN, USA
Full time