Jan 15, 2025
Psychology Faculty Position
Nova Southeastern University (NSU) - The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience invites qualified applicants for a full-time faculty position in psychology (Position # 991670 ) . Applicants will be reviewed for rank commensurate with experience and scholarship. Preferred areas of scholarly expertise include health psychology/behavioral medicine or cognitive psychology. However, candidates with expertise in other concentrations will also be considered
The successful candidates will have a commitment to excellence in both teaching and research. Faculty will teach in our undergraduate program as well as our master’s program in experimental psychology. The teaching load is contingent on research productivity and service activities. All candidates must be actively involved in scholarship with expectations to maintain an ongoing program of research and produce peer-reviewed publications. Research collaborations with students and faculty peers are encouraged. The...
Nova Southeastern University
Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
Full time