Jan 23, 2025
I have a new NIH funded R01. We are seeking a fellow who will serve as an interventionist to learn to deliver emotion regulation therapy (ERT), as well as a study coordinator. The clinical training and supervision in ERT will be facilitated by Co-I Douglas Mennin (Teacher's College-Columbia University) and me. If the fellow is pre-licensure, we will also offer supervised hours that can be counted for licensure. Opportunities for research writing (grants & manuscripts) and other career development opportunities (e.g., mentored training grants such as K Award) can be considered.
Here's the essence of the advertisement that we are working up. For now, would you direct this posting back to me?
The Department of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan is seeking one full-time postdoctoral scholar, for an in-person, full-time, 1-year position, with the possibility of extending into a 2nd year contingent on funding and scholars’ progress. The scholar we seek...
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Full time