Jan 15, 2025
Tenure-Track Position in Psychology
The Department of Psychology at Hillsdale College is committed to recovering psychology’s roots in the humanities and respecting its debt to Western philosophy and religion without relinquishing its empirical and practical contributions to this tradition. A full-time, tenure-track professor (open rank) is sought who shares this commitment, is motivated to teach in light of it, and has demonstrable experience with modern psychology’s framework, methods, and findings. The ideal candidate would have a passion for the history of ideas, liberal education, and cultivating the life of the mind with students and would be comfortable teaching in a broadly conservative and Christian context. While applicants must hold a Ph.D. (or ABD status), the department will consider candidates in areas outside of psychology—e.g., theology, philosophy—provided they have training in psychology at least at the master’s level.
Beyond introductory psychology and topics in the candidate’s special area of...
Hillsdale College
Hillsdale, MI, USA
Full time