Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University, home to many highly ranked graduate research programs, is located 60 miles from New York City on Long Island's scenic North Shore.  Our 1,100-acre campus is home to 24,000 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students and more than 13,500 faculty and staff, including those employed at Stony Brook Medicine, Suffolk County's only academic medical center and tertiary care provider. The University is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities and co-manager of nearby Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), a multidisciplinary research laboratory supporting world class scientific programs utilizing state-of-the-art facilities such as the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, the National Synchrotron Light Source, and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, and the New York Blue IBM BG/L+P supercomputer, owned by Stony Brook and managed by BNL.  Stony Brook is a partner in managing the Laboratory for the Department of Energy, and is the largest institutional scientific user of BNL facilities. As such, many opportunities exist for collaborative research, and in some cases, joint appointments can be arranged.


Stony Brook University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. We encourage protected veterans, individuals with disabilities, women and minorities to apply. 

If you need a disability related accommodation, please call the University Human Resource Services Department at (631) 632- 6161 or the University Hospital Human Resources Department at (631) 444-4700.  In accordance with the Title II Crime Awareness and Security Act, a copy of our crime statistics is available upon request by calling (631) 632- 6350. It can also be viewed on line at the University Police website at