We are a research lab at the Department of Psychology at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) led by Dr. Sarah Dermody. In the CARE Lab, we examine addiction risk from a multidisciplinary perspective—integrating psychological, behavioral, interpersonal, and biological risk factors to better understand the “how, when, why, and who” pertaining to addiction risk and risk for other negative health behaviors. Our ongoing research involves large scale national data, ecological momentary assessment research, and laboratory based experimental studies.
Over the past decade, the Department of Psychology at Toronto Metropolitan University has undergone unprecedented growth, with thriving MA/PhD programs in Psychological Science and Clinical Psychology. The Department has 39 full-time faculty members, 6 staff, 1000 full-time undergraduate students, 106 graduate students (33 MA; 73 PhD) and 9 postdoctoral fellows. Our faculty members are highly productive scientists and hold external grants from CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC, NIH, and other sources. In 2011, we partnered with St. Michael's Hospital to establish a Clinical Psychology Training Clinic and in 2012, we launched the Institute for Stress and Wellbeing Research (over $1 million committed for research tools and infrastructure).