Washington University in St. Louis
  • MO
Jan 14, 2025  
Educational research conducted through the long-term collaboration between practitioners and academic researchers creates equitable outcomes for children and teachers in PK-12 education. In contrast with traditional academic educational research, such research-practice partnerships (RPP) prioritize investigating problems of practice through a process in which research agendas are collaboratively developed with the goal of improving schools. The Saint Louis Translational Fellowships in Education program provides training to early career educational researchers through an apprenticeship model working with multiple RPPs and local schools. The program enables early career educational researchers to acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to conduct translational research for schools and transition into careers of service to the PK-12 education system. The program invites applications for multiple postdoctoral fellow positions with a start date of July 2025....
Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO, USA Postdoc